I had never played fly before, but I was playing it on medium difficulty and felt like I had a handle on the rules, so I switched it to hard. Then after the opponent got three pieces left and could go anywhere it wanted to, I kept making mills but wasnt allowed to remove the opponents pieces. So I made multiple mills and the opponent kept capturing my pieces, but I still couldnt remove any of the opponents pieces. Reread the rules to see if I missed something. Couldnt figure out why the hard version was different than the medium version when it came to the rules of the game.
Also, the medium difficulty for all the other games were really hard. Cant imagine how difficult hard is. Havent played on easy yet.
Otherwise, its been nice to have all these board games at my fingertips. Much better than the other free board game app, scripty font and all.
GlaiveLady about Board Game Collection